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  • #1 in Biographies of the Afghan & Iraq War
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Prefer to read?

Then why not think about getting David Nordels latest #1 best selling book (Giving Back! Life and Leadership from the Farm to the Combat Zone and Beyond) that dives into the journey of how to become a leader through his years of learned experience.

Giving back!

Life and Leadership from the Farm to the Combat Zone and Beyond

Giving Back! a #1 best seller is a compilation of real-life events from a life lived in Rural America to over a 30-year military career. It encapsulates the lessons of those times that have shaped Dave and helped him develop as a leader and mentor. 
Giving Back! shows lessons on how to actively navigate life, family, and friendships. Dave’s book outlines many intimate stories and shares key nuggets of his life and lessons learned. It is his way of ‘giving back,’ just as people and experiences shaped him along the way. 
Dave’s writing will drive introspection and thought to hopefully leave you a few treasures to apply to your life and leadership journey.

Customer Reviews

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Hear more on Dave’s latest book where Dave goes into more detail about the stories and lessons to be found in it.

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July 2022

Building a Better Organization

“Great companies have always been dedicated to creating great leaders and investing in their people. But there are a lot of other companies where that hasn’t necessarily been a top priority—until now. Right now, every company is trying to be better. There’s a higher need to act good, to do good, and to be good,” says Scott Blanchard, leadership expert and president of The Ken Blanchard Companies.

“We’re making sure we’re not just building the same business back to the way it was; we are building something better. I think there are a lot of people doing that.”

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